Vin Couture: Wine with a View

A creative wine marketing company is taking tasting to new heights – literally – with the grand opening of Vin Couture Lounge earlier this month. The salon sits on the second floor of The Harris Gallery art salon just north of Healdsburg Plaza, and guests can watch passersby on the street below through enormous windows facing the street.

People watching is just one of the pleasures found within. Vin Couture comes from Kelley Anne Dove, a longtime professional in the business of marketing luxury wine brands and high end event planning. She has parlayed her winery connections to showcase a portfolio of couture wines, including labels not generally available to the tasting public. And she has tapped her upscale event sense to create a space that befits the wines, in a posh cocoon of white cloth draped chairs, white cloth draped tables, glittering chandeliers and collectable artwork.

Because the emphasis is on super-premium wines from Sonoma County and its neighboring regions, and because featured wines are generally low-production cult favorites, tastings are led personally by “personal wine educators.” These hosts design custom flights based on each guest’s palate preferences and explain each wine and the winery’s history.

Vin Couture aims for a primary clientele of by-appointment-only guests looking for guidance on how to select hard-to-find top level wines, and how to stock their personal wine cellars. Yet after 6 p.m., everyone can stop in for a more casual “Swirl after 6” where no reservation is required, and wines are available by the glass, alongside dainty desserts and French Press coffee.

Details: Vin Couture Lounge, 322 Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg, 431-1011,

Tip: Sit back, relax, and cruise to Vin Couture in high style in your private Pure Luxury limousine.

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